Exclusive Offer for Existing Members Get 10% off your first month of XPASS add-on with code SAVE10

Benefit for studio members

Add XPASS to your Studio Membership

Add XPASS to your Studio Membership

Most Popular
Includes 50 points every month to book classes and appointments
$99 $89 / month

*Plan auto-renews at $99 / month

Typically books 5 classes
10-day rollover
Includes XPLUS
Use code VIP50 at checkout to get 50% off your first month
$250 Princess Cruise Credit
Includes 75 80 points every month to book classes and appointments
$149 $134 / month *Plan auto-renews at $149 / month
Typically books 8 classes
20-day rollover
Includes 5 BONUS  points
Includes XPLUS
Use code VIP50 at checkout to get 50% off your first month
$250 Princess Cruise Credit
Best Value
Includes 100 120 points every month to book classes and appointments
$199 $179 / month

*Plan auto-renews at $199 / month

Typically books 12 classes
30-day rollover
Include 20 BONUS points
Includes XPLUS
Use code VIP50 at checkout to get 50% off your first month
$250 Princess Cruise Credit

Includes 50 points every month to book classes and appointments

$99 $89 / month

*Plan auto-renews at $99 / month

Typically books 5 classes
10-day rollover
Includes XPLUS
Use code VIP50 at checkout to get 50% off your first month
$250 Princess Cruise Credit

Includes 75 80 points every month to book classes and appointments

$149 $134 / month *Plan auto-renews at $149 / month
Typically books 8 classes
20-day rollover
Includes 5 BONUS  points
Includes XPLUS
Use code VIP50 at checkout to get 50% off your first month
$250 Princess Cruise Credit

Includes 100 120 points every month to book classes and appointments

$199 $179 / month

*Plan auto-renews at $199 / month

Typically books 12 classes
30-day rollover
Include 20 BONUS points
Includes XPLUS
Use code VIP50 at checkout to get 50% off your first month
$250 Princess Cruise Credit
AKT-logo-2 club pilates1 cyclebar1 bft-logo pure barre1 row house1 rumble-1 stretchlab1 stride1 yogasix1